Friday, January 20, 2006

Recent News About Me!!

It has been a long time since I last updated my blog (haha... always type the same thing if I didn't update blog for a long time!!). I've been having exam (again!). But now, after my exam, I am very very free.... Muahaha...

Just finished exam. As usual, gotta wait for the results. Urghh!!! Forget it!!! I don't wanna talk about it here.

Erm... What else I can tell you guys here? Nothing else can tell... coz I've been studying everyday and night, until I am really 'mong cha cha' now. A bit lost track now, dunno what's happening outside the world...

So... I would be having selective for 1 week, then 1 week holiday for Chinese New Year, then another 3 weeks for selective and after that...haha... 2 weeks holiday!! So, within these few weeks, I have to finish a few DVDs and movies which I downloaded long ago but have no time to watch. I have to finish watching them and delete them because my computer has low disc space now. Erm... wonder whether I can finish them or not, coz I have to start revising my sem 2, 3, and 4 notes in order to prepare my EOS 5. (For sure, I would end up without revising anything in these few weeks.)


Err...yup! My sister bought 1 set of mahjong from Makro yesterday! It was really cheap!! Only RM58... But too bad, only me and my father know how to play... somemore I am still in the learning phase...have to find more 'kaki' and I have to learn how to count the 'fan' thing...


And also I found myself was rather blurred these two weeks. I always left my things somewhere else and have to search them madly. Last week, I left my pencil case in the photocopy shop, then I walked around the whole Uni, even to my lecturer's room to search for it. And just now, I remembered that I was holding my pen drive... then next second, when I was packing my bag, I found I lost it... I ran back to the library and looked for it, luckily it was still lying safely on the table. So STEWPURD!!! I think it's the side effect of using the computer for too long... I think I am becoming more stupid and more stupid...


Leo Ku is coming for another concert on 25 February. Again? I thought he just had a concert last year. Haih....wanna tipu our money again... Btw I am thinking of going since I didn;t manage to make it for the last concert. Furthermore it is held in Bukit Jalil (so near to IMU) and it is a combined concert with Miriam Yeung (can see 2 singers in 1 shot). Anyone is hotlink club member? Coz by buying a RM60 prepaid card, hotlink club member can get 30% discount!! I wanna go!!!


Before I forgot, I have to finish my AIR topic before 27 Jan... Poor me!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Doing PBL now... I hate doing differential diagnosis... I totally have no idea what should I do.

Search... search... search and search... I have been stuck in the e-lab since 9 o' clock in the morning. My eyes are pain now because looking at the computer for too long...

Arrgghhh.... why everytime I will get differential diagnosis for topic related to tubeculosis? Don't care... simply do... nobody will read your notes after PBL... HATE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS!!!!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006







Sunday, January 01, 2006

{Song} 吴克群 大舌头

This is my 1st post of 2006... and I would like to share this song... coz I think this song is quite cute...

吴克群 大舌头

说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 对不起我有大舌头
说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 说爱你我就大舌头

转身靠在墙壁 立正开始正音 说一万遍我爱你 直到你满意
注意你的嘴型 咬字含糊不清 说一万遍我爱你 直到你满意
一二三四五六七 开始倒数表白的成绩 每一分钟多一名 竞争者太挤
ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄐㄑㄒ (b p m f j q x)
有些咬字我都咬不清 要说什么都可以 就差我爱你
ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌ (b p m f d t n l)

说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 对不起我有大舌头
说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 说爱你我就大舌头

转身靠在墙壁 立正开始正音 说一万遍我爱你 直到你满意
一二三四五六七 开始倒数表白的成绩 每一分钟多一名 竞争者太挤
ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄐㄑㄒ (b p m f j q x)
有些咬字我都咬不清 要说什么都可以 就差我爱你
ㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌ (b p m f d t n l)

说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 对不起我有大舌头
说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 说爱你我就大舌头

说话有时我都说不清 嘴巴记得你要放干净
ㄅㄆㄇㄈ ㄉㄊㄋㄌ (b p m f d t n l)
ㄍㄎㄏ ㄐㄑㄒ (g k h j q x)
ㄓㄔㄕㄖ ㄗㄘㄙ (zh ch sh z c s)
ㄧㄨㄩㄚ ㄛㄜㄝ (i u ü a o e ê )
ㄞㄟㄠㄡ ㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦ (ai ei ao ou an en ang eng er)

说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 对不起我有大舌头
说说说说说你爱我 我我我我说不出口
口口口口声声的说 说爱你我就大舌头