Friday, November 30, 2007


前天看见有一个人扶一个盲人过马路,我觉得很窝心。他让我觉得这世界上不乏好人,他还是一个异族同胞。虽然我对异族同胞没有偏见,但因为我家人曾被异族同胞伤害,所以妈妈还是很讨厌 “那种族” 。他也让我觉得,其实 “他们” 并不是全都是坏人。

但今天,看到有一个朋友却被 “异族” 欺压,真的很令人气愤。话说,我朋友在卖二手衣。“她” 选了几件。我朋友开出一个价钱,“她” 却嫌贵。而我朋友开的价钱,我个人认为其实是很便宜的。两件上衣加两件裙,又是蛮新的,才卖RM40。我朋友就说RM30,“她” 还嫌贵。然后 “她” 就不要其中一件裙。朋友就开价RM15,两件上衣加一件裙,RM15已经很便宜咯!平均一件才五块。“她” 竟然只给十块!结果,所有人看见了,都起哄说别欺负我朋友。“她” 还可以理直气壮地认为买东西就应该减价。

我真的觉得 “她” 太过份了!事后,我跟朋友说,其实有一件我也蛮中意的。只是我知道我朋友应该会卖很便宜给我。为了让朋友赚多点,我才没跟 “她” 争。怎知 “她” 却那样来欺压我朋友。早知如此,我应该把那件衣服买回来,那样我朋友可以赚更多,因为至少我不会那样不知廉耻。不过 “她” 平时已经很嚣张了,我要抢,也抢不过 “她” 吧!


Friday, November 23, 2007

A&E Posting

Currently I am in A & E posting now. I have been looking forward to this posting since semester 8. I always think that A & E doctors look smarter as they are really handling emergency cases. (Haha… I think got a lot of influences from drama too.)

Our group is posted to on-call at night. I skipped my on-call on 1st day (I was lazy). Came on-call on Tuesday around 7pm. There was not much patients yet and we gotta do a study on triage. This study need to be done as the head of department of HTJ asked us to. It’s a study to determine the number of cases which are mistriaged. Haih… we, the student, are just been used to do a study for her.

There was no admission to the critical zone but there were a few cases in semi-critical zone. I got to perform an ECG and IM injection on patients but I haven’t got the chance to set IV line as everyone is fighting to do procedures. Some of the staff nurses and MAs are really kind to teach us doing procedure. I have set IV line on obstetric patients before, but not on normal patients. It is easier to set IV line on obstetric patients as their veins are dilated. I succeeded every time when on obstetric patients but haven’t tried on normal patients. Not many cases seen on Tuesday but we got a lot of chance to do procedure.

On Wednesday, I went around 9pm. It was a boring day, as there were lesser cases seen than on Tuesday. Did ECG again but still haven’t got the chance to set drip. There was 1 case of status epilepticus. Left around 12am.

Thursday, a very busy day. We reached around 9pm too. There were a few cases in red zone (critical zone). A 17 year-old man had an MVA, involving motorbike vs motorbike. His condition was quite serious. And finally we got the chance to help out the doctors. We help to bag the patient. The patient stopped breathing and has no more pulse. It was really acute. We get to helped out to resuscitate the patient. This is the 1st time I am doing CPR on a real patient. I actually did wrongly and the doctor stopped me. All of us took turn to do CPR and after 15 minutes, we failed to resuscitate the patient. It was really sad when we need to stop resuscitating and the patient’s family was crying out there. After that, we also helped the staff nurse to clean up the patient. This was a memorable experience and I think I never forget it. Although I failed at my 1st time, I really hope that in the future, I get to save patient whenever I need to do a CPR.

Actually during the 1st two days of the posting, I was quite disappointed as the doctors in A & E look quite slack. I can’t really feel the tense atmosphere of A & E. But after the incident, I really can see that the doctors are doing things. It is very acute when there is an emergency case. At least there is no ignorance… I am really interested in emergency medicine, maybe I’ll take up emergency medicine as my specialty.